Anthonian Museum and «Donatello al Santo»

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The Anthonian Museum is a real ‘treasure trove’ of wonderful masterpieces made over the centuries for the Basilica and the Venerable Ark of Saint Anthony: paintings, sculptures, plaster figures, vestments, tapestries, jewelleries.

The museum was established at the end of the XIX century as a collection of historic objects related to the life of and devotion to Saint Anthony. It was closed in 1940 and then reopened in 1995 on the occasion of the eighth centenary of the birth of the Saint.

The museum contains a large number of authentic artistic masterpieces. Just to mention a few: the lunette frescoed by Mantegna for the Basilica’s doorway, 15th century wood engravings; a precious gold incense boat made by 16th century German goldsmiths, altarpieces by Tiepolo, Carpaccio and Piazzetta, rare liturgical vestments woven in Lyon in the 18th century

In 2015 the museum was enriched with a permanent exhibition dedicated to ‘Donatello in the Basilica’ consisting of two rooms decorated with a rich set of photos, plaster casts and information panels. These allow the visitor to see from close up a reproduction of the masterpieces that the famous Florentine artist made for the Basilica, but which can only be seen from afar in their normal resting place within the Shrine.

The exhibition also includes a plaster bust of Gattamelata which, owing to a special protective treatment, can be touched by visitors. The intention is to offer the blind a real ‘taste’ of Donatello’s masterpiece by allowing them to touch it.

Where it is

Along Blessed Luca Belludi Cloister

Opening hours:                                                                               

Tuesday to Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm

Saturdays and Sundays: 9.00am-1.00pm/2.00pm-6.00pm

Closed on  Mondays, Christmas, New Year's Day and Easter

Entrance: a single ticket allows access to the Anthonian Museum, Donatello in the Basilica and the Museum of Popular Devotion. € 2,50 - reduced € 1.50 (students, over 65s, groups of at least 10 people)


Click here for more information


Image: Trigramma di Cristo tra i santi Antonio da Padova e Bernardino, Andrea Mantegna (1452), Padova, Museo Antoniano