The Magnolia Cloister

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So-named on account of the magnificent magnolia tree which rises from the lawn at the centre of the cloi ter, this area is also known as the Chapter Cloister, be cause from the side perpendicular to Basilica is to be found the great Capitular Hall, which was once reserved for the meetings of the friars, but which has now been turned into a Chapel.

On the opposite side the new Hall of Confessions was opened in the 2000 Jubilee Year. A visit to the shrine would be incomplete without the fundamental moments of meditation and inner renewal offered by the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

On the side of the cloister parallel to the Basilica the offices of the Messenger of Saint Anthony are to be found. This publishing house was created over acentury ago with the intention of spreading the message of St. Anthony, using the language and means suitable for the men and women of today. Among its publications is the Messaggero di sant’Antonio, the most widely-distributed monthly magazine in Ita ly. Editions for Italian emigrants, and in English (Messenger of Saint Anthony), French, German, Portuguese, Polish and Romanian are also produced. A special monthly magazine for young people (Messaggero dei ragazzi - in Italian) is also published. Besides this, a noteworthy production of over 100 newly released books on liturgical, spiritual, Franciscan and religious themes are published every year.


Image: Convento del Santo, may 2012 - Giuseppe Rampazzo (MSA)