
June 2017: Saint Anthony's Relics visit the USA, Canada and Australia

As usual, friars from the Basilica of Saint Anthony will leave Padua this June to take relics of our Saint to his devotees around the world: three of them will take some of St. Anthony’s relics to the United States (June, 9 to 18), Canada (June, 9 to 18) and Australia (June, 6 to 21).

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A blessed 2017, another year in Saint Anthony’s footsteps

Every day we are called upon to face new challenges: the challenge of forgiveness, of solidarity, of sharing, of welcoming our needy neighbors. It is for this reason that we, friars of the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, are praying for you that you may walk in Saint Anthony’s presence in this New Year as well.

You may have had the chance of experiencing, in some situations, the value and meaning of his presence at your side.

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Father Oliviero Svanera is the new Rector of the Pontifical Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua.

The name of Father Oliviero Svanera was chosen by the Holy Father himself out of a roster of three names which the Minister General of the Conventual Franciscan Order, Fr. Marco Tasca, had submitted to him in accordance with the procedure set down by the Apostolic Constitution Memorias Sanctorum (V.3), which regulates the conduction of the Pontifical Basilica. The Holy Father acted in accord with the Pontifical Delegate and the Minister Provincial of Provincia Italiana di S. Antonio di Padova, Fr.

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June 2016 Saint Anthony's Relics visit U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Ireland and United Kingdom

After the astounding success of last year visits of Saint Anthony's Relics we are now pleased to announce that fr. Paolo Floretta, fr. Bortolino Maistrello, fr. Alessandro Ratti and fr. Mario Conte will visit New York ( U.S.A.), Toronto (Canada), Adelaide (South Australia), Ireland and United Kingdom in June on the occasion of Saint Anthony's Feast Day, bringing each a precious relic from Saint Anthony's Basilica in Padua, Italy. 

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