
Published on 18 September 2024

800 years ago St. Francis received the stigmata, a sign of Christ’s love

The video message of Father Mario Conte, a friar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua and editorial director of the Messenger of Saint Anthony magazine

In September 1224, Friar Francis of Assisi, together with his trusted brother Leo, retired to Mount La Verna to spend a period of prayer and penance. It was a time of crisis due to disagreements within the Order, and through prayer and fasting Francis wished to find confirmation of his desire to identify himself totally with Christ.

On September 17, 1224, on that sacred mountain, the Crucifix imprinted on Francis' heart and body the signs of the stigmata.

Father Mario Conte, a friar of the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua, Italy, recounts the extraordinary event in this video. The stigmata represent the final seal of Francis' unconditional love for Christ.

Watch the video - click here