
Published on 03 February 2016

Saint Anthony's Relics Visit Texas February 19-28, 2016

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We are pleased to inform you that two relics of our Saint will again touch the United States of America.

Fr. Mario Conte, executive editor of the magazine, will bring two precious relics of our Saint from the Basilica in Padua.

One of these reliquaries contains the Saint’s floating rib. This is the very same reliquary that was used by then-Archbishiop Bergoglio to bless the faithful after the Solemn Mass at the Catedral Metropolitana in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 30 April 2000. The same reliquary had been kissed five years earlier by Sister Lucia of Fatima when it was taken to the nuns at the Monastery of Carmelite sisters in Coimbra, Portugal, in January 1995, during the commemorations for the 800th anniversary of the Saint’s birth. 

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