
Published on 07 March 2022

On Sunday 13 March a celebration to remember the elevation of Cardinal Bergoglio to the papacy

Pontifical and Solemn Te Deum Holy Mass in gratitude to the Holy Father for his service. On the occasion the visits to the Basilica’s museums will be free

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At 6.00 pm (CET) on Sunday 13 March a Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Basilica to mark the 9th anniversary of the elevation to the papacy of His Holiness Pope Francis. It was, in fact, on 13 March of 2013 that the then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected in the conclave as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church and Bishop of Rome.

This special celebration, in which the friars of the Basilica of St. Anthony intend to thank the Holy Father for his precious service to the Church and to the world, will be presided over by His Eminence Msgr. Fabio Dal Cin, Pontifical Delegate to the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua.

At the conclusion the solemn Te Deum will be sung in gratitude.

Please note that on Sunday March 13, on the occasion of the anniversary of the elevation to the papacy, the entrance to the museums of the Basilica (the Anthonian Museum, the Museum of Popular Devotion, the Little School and the Oratory of St. George, will be free.

For more information:

Access to the 6.00 pm (CET) livestreamed Masses at:

This site on the live stream page of the Holy Masses:

• Youtube "Messenger of Saint Anthony":

• Facebook "Saint Anthony of Padua - The friars of the Basilica":