1227 - 1231 Provincial Minister

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Due to his talent put at the service of the Kingdom of God, Anthony was assigned the post of Minister Provincial (or guide of Franciscan fraternities) in northern Italy, probably during the years 1227-1230. The task involved visiting several monasteries in northern Italy. Anthony, however, had a preference for the city of Padua and the small Franciscan community at the simple church of Santa Maria Mater Domini (later extended and transformed into the current Basilica of St. Anthony).
In Padua, Anthony concluded a couple of relatively short stays: the first, between 1229 and 1230; the second, between 1230 and 1231, during which he died prematurely. Although the time he spent in Padua was short, Anthony established a very strong bond with this city

The Assidua, the first biography on Saint Anthony, quotes that he wrote his ‘Sermones for Sundays’ during his stay in Padua. Although the quote may not be correct, it is certain that this voluminous text (addressed in particular his fellow friars engaged in preaching) expresses his immense theological science.