Hall of Confessions

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

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In the Hall of Confessions, which is reached from the Magnolia Cloister, you may celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation using the confession aid that you will find there.

This is the place where the penitent soul may experience, through the sacrament of forgiveness, the Father’s warm and powerful embrace, for God is always ready to forgive his repentant children. The Sacrament of Reconciliation, as St Anthony says, is “God’s home,” and the Hall of Confessions is a “safe home.”

Let us feast and rejoice, for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.
Luke 15,23-24

Accept St. Anthony’s invitation

O house of God! O gate of heaven! O confession of sin! Blessed is he who dwells in you! Blessed is he who enters by you! Blessed is he who humbles himself in you! My beloved brothers, be humbled and enter by the gate of confession. As you have been taught, confess your sins and their circumstances, because now is the acceptable time for confession, now is the day of salvation for making amends.