
Published on 10 December 2024


Liturgical events from 16 December to Epiphany

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From 16 to 24 December 
Christmas Novena

  • 6:00pm: Novena Holy Mass presided over by Father Alessandro Olindo Bosio OFM Conv.

24 December 
Christmas Eve

  • 4:00pm, 5.00pm, 6:00pm: Holy ‘Vigil’ Evening Masses
  • 10:00pm: Prayer Vigil
  • 11:00pm: Solemn Holy Mass ‘during the Night’ presided over by the Rector of the Basilica, Father Antonio Ramina

25 December 
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

  • 10:00am: Holy Mass concelebrated by the friars of the ‘Messenger of Saint Anthony’ for all the readers and members of St. Anthony’s Family, presided over by Father Giancarlo Zamengo, Director general
  • 11:00am: Solemn Holy Mass presided over by the provincial Minister, Father Roberto Brandinelli
  • 6:00pm: Sung Holy Mass presided over by Father Massimiliano Patassini, editorial Director

26 December 
St. Stephen

Holy Masses according to the weekend schedule

31 December 
St. Sylvester

  • 6:00pm: Holy Masse presided over by the Rector of the Basilica, Antonio Ramina. At the end the ‘Te Deum’ Thanksgiving song for blessings received during the year that is ending.

1 January 2025 
Solemnity of Most Holy Mary, Mother of God - World Day of Prayer for Peace

  • 11:00am: Solemn Holy Mass
  • 6:00pm: Holy Mass with the ‘Veni Creator’ song to invoke the Holy Spirit on the year that is beginning, presided over by the Rector of the Basilica, Antonio Ramina

6 January 2025 
Epiphany of the Lord

The Holy Masses will follow the weekend schedule. In particular:

  • 11:00am: Solemn Holy Mass presided over by the provincial Minister, Father Roberto Brandinelli
  • 2.30pm: Arrival of the Three Kings and Blessing of the Children
  • 6:00pm: Sung Holy Mass presided over by the Rector of the Basilica, Antonio Ramina


The liturgies will be animated by the St. Anthony Music Choir:

24 December: 11:00pm / 25 December: 11:00am, 6:00pm / 31 December: 6:00pm / 1 January: 6:00pm / 6 January: 11:00am, 6:00pm 



Weekday and Pre-holiday Masses at 6:00pm; weekend Masses at 11.00am and 6:00pm; ‘during the Night’ Mass of 24 December.